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Alright, I don't really know what to say here, but I am gonna put some pictures up for now, so check out the slide shows...

San Francisco

Some random pictures
Kittens - 1, 2

My God daughter, Giana - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Amy and Giana - 1
Seth and Giana - 1, 2

My apartment, well technically just my fireplace - 1, 2

I went down to Georgia with Jill:
Sunrise over Champaign - 1
My feet in Kentucky - 1
The closest thing I have to a picture of Jill, check the mirror - 1
The Coke Museum 1, 2, 3
The Capitol Dome - 1

Instructions for Slideshows:
To Navigate, use the arrows next to the picture numbers
If you don't see the above pictures, you need to download the latest flash player (6)
You may need to refresh and/or close IE and restart it for the new player to take affect.

Feel free to email me if you still have questions.


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